Thursday, May 5, 2011

Echo Of a Scream, David Alfaro

David Alfaro was a very politically aware muralist in the 1930’s. He made no attempt to hide his beliefs, as he was an active militant and communist (2). His artwork, which shows chaos, social revolution and war, and fascism. Many say that that his painting Echo Of a Scream was his most symbolic work that he painted in the time he was involved in the Spanish Civil War (2). The painting depicts the bleakness, despair, and destruction of war. It shows a child who is crying because his future is uncertain due to the instability of his home country. It also shows swirls of smoke, which given the circumstances, can be looked at as hopes of the people which are floating away because there is no way that they will come true under the current status of their environment (2). Due to the lack of hope in the piece, it is directly related to the theme of silence because under all the paintings, there is an obvious lack of hope or possibility for any of the subjects.

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